Modern Funeral Home Service Options Every Funeral Home Should Offer

Even though the traditional funeral service is much the same now as it has always been in most places across the country, the clientele in this industry is definitely changing. With more pressure by society to get things handled quickly and efficiently, the long, extensive funeral service is not as attractive to some potential customers. If you want to stay popular with the more modern crowd as a funeral home director, it is a good idea to implement a few changes and service options that will better cater to clients who want to make the process a little more speedy.

Same-Day Visitation and Funeral Services

Traditionally, when someone passes away the visitation will be one day and then the funeral will follow on the day following. In some cases, visitation stretches out for a couple of days if there is a rather large family or family that will have to travel to the location. However, don't be surprised if funeral planners come into your office that want to shorten the process a bit and have only a short visitation before the funeral. 

Combination Funeral/Visitation/Graveside Services

Some funeral planners will prefer to get the entire ordeal out of the way as fast as possible. Combining the visitation, funeral, and graveside service is one of the easier ways to make this happen for your clients. This may be done sometimes as a way to cut overall costs for the person responsible for payment, but is also done when a planner has prior commitments and they need a plan of action that allows them to get everything done quickly. Make sure clients know that you do have this option.

Drive-Through Visitations

Even though it may sound a bit unconventional, there are funeral homes in some parts of the country that are taking funeral visitation to an entirely different level of convenience with a drive-through visitation or viewing. Of course, this will only work if your funeral home establishment has a large open window, but the concept is that people can just drive through and see the deceased without leaving their car. This opens up the possibility of people visiting to pay their respects who may not otherwise have the time to do so.

Even though the basics of the funeral business may always be the same, it is always a good idea to adjust your service options to cater to changing demands from your customers, especially when it comes to creating more time-efficient options. Be sure to stay in tune with your customer wants to build the best funeral home service offerings.
